5 Steps and 10 Habits to Make 2016 Great

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Our twelve days of joy drawing prize winner for a $50 Amazon gift certificate is Robyn (check your email- it is there already).

2015 has had some terrific moments and achievements, and 2016 has the potential for you to truly take giants steps forward and achieve the goals you set. But did you know, according to Forbes, only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions? It is possible that you could be part of the 8%, but chances are that you have set some resolutions or goals – maybe even the same goals – year in and year out without achieving them. Don’t  give up. I have a way to approach the new year that will up the odds of you truly doing what you want to do in 2016.


First, take time to celebrate your achievements of 2015. I know you have some and probably some really amazing ones. Lift your champagne or sparkling cider glass and give yourself a toast. Write out a list of your major accomplishments. Cheers to you! Celebrations are important, they increase your energy vibration.

Next, reflect on what did not happen in 2015 for you. What were some of the goals that remained just out of reach? Let all of the emotions surface without beating yourself up. Acknowledge how you feel. Are you angry? sad? frustrated? resigned? exhausted? Let yourself have those feelings.

Then let go of 2015. Light a candle. Take  deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Close your eyes. Imagine all the residue from 2015 lifting off you like a mist and floating up into the sky and transforming  into a beautiful light. After giving yourself time to appreciate this image. Blow out your candle. Let go. You are symbolically ready to go move into 2016.

Now it is vision time. Imagine it is Jan 1, 2017. Yes, I said 2017. Reflect back over 2016 on all of your accomplishments. Write them down like they occurred in the past. Example, “It is Jan 1, 2017 and as I look back over 2016, I am amazed and in awe that I…. and I traveled to …., the trip was magnificent. I remember when I first landed at the airport…. ” and so on. When you write  in past tense as if something has already happened, there is more power in it. It creates the feeling of “a sure” thing.

We reminisce all of the time- why not use it to your powerful advantage?

Finally,  commit to taking inspired action steps related to your vision every day.


Here are some top tips for success and happiness  in 2016.

  • Practice a daily journaling habit  and write about positive things.
  • Be grateful every day- create an appreciation list every day.
  • Meditate/pray every day.
  • Exercise 6 days a week- doing what you love (this can just be moving your body for five or ten minutes).
  • Learn something new every day.
  • Track your progress, write down wins that show you are moving forward.
  • Give generously and receive generously.
  • Play every day. Have fun
  • Love every day- including yourself.
  • Be kind and gentle with yourself and others.

If some of these habits seem overwhelming, remember that willpower is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets and the easier it gets.  If you start a habit it and practice it for a month, you are highly likely to make it a permanent change. If you practice it for three months, you are almost guaranteed to make a permanent change.

Thank you for all your efforts in 2015 and I am sending you blessings for a spectacular 2016



Peace and Joy!


Coach and Trainer, Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD.


Relax Into Inspired Action

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The harder you work, the better your results.

It takes hard work to be successful.

If you want to be successful, it’s going to be really hard and you will have to give up what you really would rather be doing.

Do any of the above thoughts seem familiar? You, like many people, probably feel at times like you are trapped into a never ending cycle of working harder and harder; and sometimes it feels like there are even less results. We think the equation should be:

Work really hard to create a great life and make more money.

Often the equation is:

Work really hard for a little bit of money, and no time to do what you want to do.

Now, don’t get me wrong; I am actually a fan of effort. I grew up in a family with a strong work ethic. However, I have found that there is a difference in the type of action you take and the results that you receive.

My definition of action that gets the results you desire – is relaxed inspired action– not desperate action or desperate reaction.

Over my years as a coach and my experience in training and development, I have witnessed and cultivated a process called connecting the pieces and living fulfilled.

During this process you learn to put together all of the pieces that make you feel alive and passionate in your life into a business or career where you make a meaningful difference and are well compensated for your contribution to this world.

In my book, Relax Into Inspired Action, I highlight three connecting the pieces stories from remarkable women who have crafted their successful, fulfilling lives from the pain, suffering, and experiences that could have left them floundering. You will be inspired by them.

In addition, I share the core beliefs, action steps, and wisdom that will help you create your own connecting the pieces story.

If you are already in the process of connecting the pieces, you will fine tune and find ways to thrive and monetize what you are doing.

You will be motivated to take massive relaxed inspired action steps. (Just because it is relaxed, doesn’t mean it can’t be massive).

You will be able to use these techniques to attract clients, grow your business, get happier, make a meaningful contribution, and become more successful.

You will learn the main things that are blocking you from your success, and you will learn how to be masterful with your inner-game (your mindset, your emotions, and your spirit).

Are you ready to Relax into Inspired Action?

And are you ready to Connect the Pieces and Live Fulfilled?

Get the ebook today

Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD.

Business Coach and Author


What does it mean to live an inspired life?

What does it mean to live an inspired life?.

Explore the ideas and definition of success in your life- (click on the article link above)



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD. MA

Your Inspired Action Success Coach
