The Three Biggest Blocks to Your Success

The Three Biggest Blocks to Your Success:

Time, Money, Fear

If you want to know what is in your way look at these three topics: time, money, and fear.

Your approach to time affects your success and inner peace on a daily basis, your thoughts and beliefs about money impact your financial situation every day, and fear is what keeps you from taking the actions steps that you really want to take. What if you felt like you had all of the time you want to do what you want? What if you didn’t worry about money? What if fear didn’t keep you from making the changes that you want?

Recently at one of my 2 day virtual retreats with some of my business coaching clients, we tackled these big three topics on day 1. Everyone craved to get the time, money, fear thing handled. What happened? People shifted. They moved into a better feeling and being place around these topics.

Let’s look at time first. Honestly, the biggest excuse is “I don’t have enough time”. I even chuckle a little bit on the inside when I hear it, or I hear myself saying it. I used to be over-scheduled, constantly looking at my watch, and packing so much into my day that the only way to find more time was to keep shaving off my sleeping time. I was tired and burned out. I viewed time from a place of lack. I often wished for more time in a day; though secretly I knew this wouldn’t help me out because I would just add even more activity.

Then, I had a mindset shift about the concept of time several years ago. I thought what if I viewed time the same way as I was beginning to view the Universe-as abundant. What if I viewed my schedule from a place of deliberate creator or CEO of my own life, instead of feeling like a victim of my schedule? I asked myself, What if I could do the things I really wanted to be doing? I began to view time in a completely different way.

Did you know that time, as we know it, was created by man? If you doubt this, take a look at daylight savings time. A few people got together and decided- “let’s move time forward and back twice a year”. Also, who decided exactly where each time zone changes? And who decided that there were 24 hours in a day? Someone- a person- decided. Quantum physics tells us that time doesn’t exist the way we think it does. So why let it rule our lives? Instead, be a master of your life. Look at what is most important to you, and do that. For every one thing you want to add, take away 2 things (delegate or eliminate).

“Either you run the day, or the day runs you” –Jim Rohn

I like time for spontaneous creativity, so I schedule big blocks on my calendar that are empty. When I get to the empty spots, I let them be whatever I want them to be in the moment. The greatest thing that gives me peace about time is knowing that I get to make choices about what I do with it. I also find it amazing that when there is something I really want to do, I find the time for it. If you shifted your beliefs and choices about time, how would that change your day?

What about money? How can you handle that money struggle in your life? The answer lies in how you feel about money and how you feel about the likelihood of abundance coming your way.

The key is to shift your mindset and feelings away from “struggle”, and towards feeling better and better about your money and finances. Feeling good is a vibe that brings your goals and desires to you. But what do you when you are feeling bad? Pay attention to the feeling, notice the feeling, examine the feeling, and accept the feeling. As you accept all of your feelings, you allow yourself to process them instead of stuff them down only to have them bubble up later. As you process your feeling, you will notice the belief that is driving the feeling.

Underneath a feeling, is a core thought and belief.

When you find yourself in struggle, ask- what is the belief here? For example your belief might be, I’m not good enough or I am terrible at managing my money, etc. Once you see what the belief is, you can shift it energetically through meditation, prayer, tapping, energy healing, journaling, affirmations, etc. Decide what the replacement belief will be for you. This is important.

As you release a belief that doesn’t serve you, you want to lock in a new belief that is powerful.

A powerful new belief might be: I am a great money manager, I am worthy, etc. You can lock it in through writing affirmations, EFT, visualization, meditation, or prayer or other energetic exercises. This is an energetic process. It is important to truly shift the belief instead of trying to talk yourself out of a belief. In my coaching groups, we work with many techniques that create immediate shifts. Members of my tribe often experience changes in the moment. It doesn’t need to take weeks, months, or years to have profound shifts.

You don’t need to go over every detail of your past, but if something comes up, face it and process those feelings, get to the core belief, so you can shift it.

“Look for good things about where you are, and in your state of appreciation, you lift all self-imposed limitations – and all limitations are self-imposed – and you free yourself for the receiving of wonderful things.” Abraham Hicks

Money flows in when you are not thinking about having to get money. Money flows in from multiple sources, when you are truly focused on feeling good about what you are doing and living the present moment fully. If you think it has to be hard, then it is hard; if you decide it can be easy, natural, and flowing- you have opened the door.


Finally, let’s turn our attention to fear, the last of the big three we are discussing here today. What prevents you from taking the action steps you know you want to take? Most likely, the answer is fear. You probably have many reasons (excuses) for not taking the action steps, but underneath all of those reasons are fear. You could be feeling fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of judgment, or fear of _______ (fill in the blank).

In order to understand how fear operates in your life, reflect back over the choices you have made.

Notice how fear impacted your choices. Did you choose to apply to an easier college because you were afraid you might not get accepted? Did you take a job with less pay and less demands because you were afraid to go for what you really wanted? Did you wait to start your business, because you were afraid you might not make it in business? Did you pass up a networking opportunity because you were afraid? Did you downshift out of success, because suddenly you feared what big success might mean in your life?

What if you didn’t have any of that fear? Or when that fear came up, you just handled it?

What impact will it have on your business and your life, if you could successfully overcome any fear that operates in your life?

What is fear anyway? It doesn’t exist. It is not a thing. It is only a thought/feeling that you create in your mind. Past experiences ingrain fear sometimes. If you experienced rejection as a child (and who didn’t?), some of your fear is tied to that.

I made a decision in my own life, to face everything that made me feel uncomfortable or fearful.

I decided that I didn’t want fear driving my decisions any longer.

I also noticed that I felt fear right before a big breakthrough. This made me almost look forward to the fear experience, because I knew it meant I was doing something great. I also shifted my thoughts to seeing fear as an adventure. We feel fear when we go on a roller coaster, but it ends up being fun.

How can you process fear, when it seems paralyzing? In your present moment of fear, notice if it resembles any other fear experiences that you had in your life. Go to a prior experience, and let yourself be fully in the moment. If you were a child, and were bullied, you probably shut down and didn’t feel your feelings. As you are in the moment of your past fear, see if you can feel it in your body somewhere. We carry our repressed feelings in the body. It might be your stomach, your liver, your throat, etc. Also notice if it has a color. Take some deep breaths, and allow it to expand to as big as it wants to get. Keep deep breathing. As you focus your attention on the body, see the feeling or imagine the feeling breaking up in front of your eyes and dissolving. Practice this exercise anytime powerful fear comes up for you. Then take your action step. You’ve released fear, so you are free to move forward and do the thing you feared.

Another self-awareness tip is to be able to connect discomfort in your life or indecision to an operating fear. What is the underlying fear? Decide that you will face it. You are an adult, you are strong, and facing a fear and dissolving it- is liberating.

Another approach for dealing with fear is to make a decision to take action despite the fear. The only way to conquer a fear of riding a bike is to do it. You probably have heard the expression, feel the fear and do it anyway. Taking action builds confidence and reduces fear.

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will. ~W. Clement Stone

Effectively handling your time, money, and fear issues free you to create your magic, to be the highest version of yourself.

In Happiness,


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD.

The Inspired Action Success Coach

Cheers to Your Success



Small Biz Christmas Finale

SmallBizChristmas2014For the past 14 days, I have been sharing treasures here on my blog to help you grow your small business. Today is the Finale Day. I encourage you to read through the past 14 days of articles and download all the gifts that interest you.  (Click on the Blog tab to access all of the posts). The articles have covered everything from inner-game to practical tools to grow your biz.

Happy Holidays. May you and your family be richly blessed now and in the future. Enjoy the season and relax into making money in your business now and into 2015 and beyond.

To your Success, Freedom & Happiness,

Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD
The Inspired Action Success Coach

Are your systems set up for growth?

If you have been working on an area in your biz and don’t see the growth you want, ask this question- “Are my systems set up for growth?” The Universe responds to space and to readiness. If you are looking for new clients- Have you made room in your calendar for those new clients? Are your agreements/contracts ready? I am asking these questions because I have worked with people who want more clients, but their calendars are packed- there is no room for free strategy sessions to enroll new clients. Or there is already a sense of overwhelm at just managing day to day business- so where is the space and room for growth?
I had a client who realized that she could make a few tweaks in her follow up system in order to experience more biz growth. I worked with another client recently who shifted her marketing language to align more with her niche. And another client who made a few changes in the packages in how people could work with her … and the list goes on. Let’s get those systems working for you.
Look at the growth you are trying to make happen, then look at the systems you have in place to support that growth. What needs tweaking? Hone your systems and you unleash magnetic attraction. When your systems have holes, you leak energy and your overall energetic charge of your biz is not at your highest level.
In my mastermind, we will be working on your systems to get them fully supporting your growth.
I am sharing everything with you in my mastermind- all of the ways that I have grown my biz and all of my resource library is fully in your hands… (Plus, I have a $400 surprise).
That’s what we are doing in my mastermind that starts tomorrow (yes you can still get in to this small group experience with me)- concentrating on creating explosive growth for everyone. I just had a mastermind group finish last week, and the energy at our closing call was phenomenal. As I heard reports about outcomes, shifts, and growth- it felt like walls were crashing down as members fully stepped into their breakthroughs and celebrated their achievements.
The Be the Inspiration mastermind is for people (small biz owners, coaches, consultants) who are in all phases of business development (new, some experience, or years in biz) but the key is a desire for explosive biz growth. it is for you if you want to be a difference maker and catalyst for change. It is for you if you want breakthroughs in areas that have been holding you back in your personal or professional life. My mastermind people are people who are serious about growing their businesses and taking it to the next level.Plus there are 5 extra high value bonuses and an extra limited time discount where you can save on your initial payment. And- Reminder: My masterminders also receive access to my full library of resources.
I am here to support your breakthroughs and success.
To your Success, Freedom & Happiness,Sheri

Inch by Inch Growth or Ride the Wave of Momentum

Sometimes it just feels like your biz moves forward in inches and then maybe back an inch or two. The most fun in biz is when you catch a wave of momentum and see back to back months and even several months in a row of rapid growth. I have to say in my own biz – I love explosive growth… and sometimes when I feel like growth happens in teeny, tiny  increments, I have moments where I want to scream, “What is going on?” Yep, I do feel like screaming for a few minutes every now and then.  Can you relate to that? When you feel like you are doing a lot of the “right” things, but something is missing?
I do celebrate small growth, because overall, I can sense when I am moving in a positive direction and sometimes things just need to simmer a bit. However, dramatic improvement takes a biz to a higher level. You can do more, experience more, and help more people. I’ve been rapidly growing for over the past 7 years- with admittedly- a few cycles of inch by inch growth, too.
I am sharing everything with you- all of the ways that I have grown my biz and all of my resource library is fully in your hands… (Plus, I have a $400 surprise).
That’s what we are doing in my mastermind that starts Thursdayconcentrating on creating explosive growth for everyone. I just had a mastermind group finish last week, and the energy at our closing call was phenomenal. As I heard reports about outcomes, shifts, and growth- it felt like walls were crashing down as members fully stepped into their breakthroughs and celebrated their achievements.
The Be the Inspiration mastermind is for people (small biz owners, coaches, consultants) who are in all phases of business development (new, some experience, or years in biz) but the key is a desire for explosive biz growth. it is for you if you want to be a difference maker and catalyst for change. It is for you if you want breakthroughs in areas that have been holding you back in your personal or professional life. My mastermind people are people who are serious about growing their businesses and taking it to the next level. And the mastermind offers longer support- 10 months. Plus there are 5 extra high value bonuses and an extra limited time discount where you can save on your initial payment. And- Reminder: My masterminders also receive access to my full library of resources.
I am here to support your breakthroughs and success.
To your Success, Freedom & Happiness,



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD

The Inspired Action Success Coach


Want to be a difference maker and catalyst for change?

I have been listening to comments and reading feedback. You’ve been hearing about my mastermind over the last couple of weeks and it is coming up soon, starting on Oct 9. I have heard from some of you wondering if you can get my YPTS (Your Path to Success) Life Coaching Certification by itself instead of bundled with the mastermind. The mastermind might not be the right timing for you but, you want to do the coaching training.

The answer is Yes, you can.

You can work through my coaching certification program and invest in just the coaching program.

If you are on the fence deciding about whether to do the mastermind or just the life coaching certification- here is some info to help you out.

The coaching certification is for people who are new coaches or seasoned coaches who want a refresher. It is for you if you want to help support people through coaching. It is for you if you want to build confidence in coaching skills and learn how to create a coaching practice and business/marketing foundation to enroll clients. It is a 4 month program (or you can take it at a slower pace- it is self-paced) I am extending my live event promo deal to my whole email community so you can get it for a limited time for a substantial discount Click Here for Info

The mastermind is for people (small biz owners, coaches, consultants) who are in all goalideasphases of business development (new, some experience, or years in biz) but the key is a desire for explosive biz growth. it is for you if you want to be a difference maker and catalyst for change. It is for you if you want breakthroughs in areas that have been holding you back in your personal or professional life. My mastermind people are people who are serious about growing their businesses and taking it to the next level. And the mastermind offers longer support- 10 months. Plus the certification program is included as a bonus, plus there are 5 extra high value bonuses and an extra limited time discount where you can save on your initial payment. My masterminders also receive access to my full library of resources.

Click Here for Mastermind Info

I am here to support your breakthroughs and success.

To your Success, Freedom & Happiness,


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD

The Inspired Action Success Coach


Relax Into Making Money in Your Biz 11Tips

You can make a difference and make profits. Relax into making more money in your business.

Below is an excerpt from my newest ebook 11 Top Ways to Relax Into Making Money in Your Biz

11WaysECoverYou can get this ebook for free here today.


Even if you are new in your business, you most likely have some people who love you and what you offer already. In fact, you probably started your business because of some of these people. If you have a service business, you probably had clients even before you officially started your business.

These raving fans are your gold. These people believe in you already and your services/products. Ask for testimonials and referrals. Let them know that you give referral bonuses and/or payments. Ask yourself, is there an additional higher end service that I can offer people who are already using my services? Maybe you could offer an exclusive private forum or other bonus gift.

Don’t take these people for granted; treat them like they are made of pure gold. Give them your best service and over-deliver on your promises.

These raving fans also provide clues to what your market wants. Give them surveys or have them fill out questionnaires. Pay attention to any new services or products they say they want. Pay close attention to problems or needs that you didn’t know about. Look for opportunities to learn and grow. Delivering the service that your customer wants is a lot easier than finding customers who want what you have created.

Study your blog posts or social media posts that get the most attention. Figure out why and decide how you can reach those people with a service or product.

For instance, one of the things I learned when working with clients is that business planning for profits was not a natural skill for everyone. Some people were confused about building pricing and packages that would be profitable. I made a note of this and made sure to include detailed teaching on how to create Profit Plans in my masterminds.

I also learned that many people felt confused about setting spending budgets for businesses that are appropriate for growth. If your budget is too low, you cut off growth. If it is too high, you cut into profits.

Wouldn’t you love to have ten more or 100 more raving fans? When you devote your attention to the people who are already your raving fans, you open the door wide open to more raving fans.

Get your free copy today

In Happiness,


Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD

The Inspired Action Success Coach

Stop punishing yourself with your schedule

Have you been using your schedule to punish yourself?

I talk to so many men and women who give me long lists of everything they have left undone and how they must do better at managing their time. In truth, I have met very few people who are lazy or truly bad at time management. But I have met a lot of people who constantly overschedule and over-commit. I see people who demand way too much busy-ness in their day from themselves.


I use to be like that. I looked at my watch constantly. I often had back to back appointments all day long and then would say yes to almost every volunteer opportunity. I was constantly running and I often would have my appointments end up overlapping and then felt like I wasn’t making anyone happy.

Sound familiar? About seven or eight years ago, I finally decided to stop the madness. I knew that just scheduling my time more effectively wasn’t the answer, because I would just try to pack more into any open blocks. I decided to view time as a gift, not an enemy. I decided to embrace time and look at it as mold-able.

If you have a runaway schedule, consider telling yourself a different story about your schedule. How about, I am the master of my schedule. I choose what goes on my calendar. I can freely choose to block out free time and rest time. Even if you have kids, more than one job, etc; view your time as a place where you can tell a new story. What story would you love to be true about your time? Where do you really want to be spending your time?

My new story about time ended up being something like this:

“I choose how I use my time. I have wide open blocks of time on my calendar where I can decide to be spontaneous and creative. I have time to do what I love to do. I have time for the people I love. I schedule appointments at times that benefit both me and the other person. I say yes to what I truly want to do. I gracefully say no to what is not important or only marginally important. I stay present. I am calm. I do not rush. When other people are in control of when something happens, I am calm and flexible without compromising what is important to me. I am always on time in perfect timing.”

This is my story about time. How would you like to create yours?

I would love to set up a free strategy session with you. Book it Now

Cheers to Your Success,





Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD

The Inspired Action Success Coach


Here’s how to win the profit attraction game

If it feels like you’re working waaay too hard to generate revenue or that you don’t know ‘how’ to even bump up your income … hold the phone!

Sometimes it’s the simplest strategies and practices that can help you double your profits any time you want.

My girl, Jeanna Gabellini, happens to be masterful at breaking down the profit game into easy steps so that you can easily bust into a new income bracket without stressing out.

She just released a 7-minute video that can be a game changer if you’re willing to play. Jeanna is a Master Business Coach and she knows that turning money attraction into a game is your short cut to results. She has coached many non-believers to double (and even triple!) their income by leveraging intention, systems and fun.

Check out the video here:

You’ll also get to play the Million Dollar Ka-ching Machine over the next few weeks, to shift your money-making momentum into high gear!

It’s time to turn your old beliefs about what it takes to make some serious cashola from your business inside out and right side up.

Watch the video and access the Ka-ching Machine here:

Things are about to get very, very fun (and profitable!).



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD





Dr, Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD

The Inspired Action Success Coach

The Ultimate Business Growth Summit

What an opportunity to learn the handful of game-changing strategies that can be implemented immediately with an eye toward greater profitability.  In short, The Ultimate Business Growth Summit could make your life and your business richer than ever before.  Come hear for yourself at


You already have what it takes to win.  Are you ready to get the tools you need to unleash the growth that will propel you and your business to new heights this year for…FREE?  If you said yes, then join me and 22 other world leading growth experts have to say at the Ultimate Business Growth Summit.

I am so excited to be part of this event along with all of the wonderful experts.



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD, MA

The Inspired Action Success Coach

The Difference Maker for Making Successful Changes

“Failure cannot cope with persistence” Napoleon Hill

What is the difference maker for making successful changes? Hint: It is simpler than you think. We resist change, sometimes we don’t think we can change, and often we fear change.

Check out this article that addresses the question of whether people really can change:

Can and Do People Really Change?.

Cheers to your Fabulous Success!



Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD

Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD