Relax Into Inspired Action

Relax book cover_FACEBOOK

The harder you work, the better your results.

It takes hard work to be successful.

If you want to be successful, it’s going to be really hard and you will have to give up what you really would rather be doing.

Do any of the above thoughts seem familiar? You, like many people, probably feel at times like you are trapped into a never ending cycle of working harder and harder; and sometimes it feels like there are even less results. We think the equation should be:

Work really hard to create a great life and make more money.

Often the equation is:

Work really hard for a little bit of money, and no time to do what you want to do.

Now, don’t get me wrong; I am actually a fan of effort. I grew up in a family with a strong work ethic. However, I have found that there is a difference in the type of action you take and the results that you receive.

My definition of action that gets the results you desire – is relaxed inspired action– not desperate action or desperate reaction.

Over my years as a coach and my experience in training and development, I have witnessed and cultivated a process called connecting the pieces and living fulfilled.

During this process you learn to put together all of the pieces that make you feel alive and passionate in your life into a business or career where you make a meaningful difference and are well compensated for your contribution to this world.

In my book, Relax Into Inspired Action, I highlight three connecting the pieces stories from remarkable women who have crafted their successful, fulfilling lives from the pain, suffering, and experiences that could have left them floundering. You will be inspired by them.

In addition, I share the core beliefs, action steps, and wisdom that will help you create your own connecting the pieces story.

If you are already in the process of connecting the pieces, you will fine tune and find ways to thrive and monetize what you are doing.

You will be motivated to take massive relaxed inspired action steps. (Just because it is relaxed, doesn’t mean it can’t be massive).

You will be able to use these techniques to attract clients, grow your business, get happier, make a meaningful contribution, and become more successful.

You will learn the main things that are blocking you from your success, and you will learn how to be masterful with your inner-game (your mindset, your emotions, and your spirit).

Are you ready to Relax into Inspired Action?

And are you ready to Connect the Pieces and Live Fulfilled?

Get the ebook today

Dr. Sheri Kaye Hoff, PhD.

Business Coach and Author


10 Steps for Successful Business Building Guest Blog

Today- I am sharing a guest blog from Bonnie Gortler. I really appreciate Bonnie’s wisdom and her blog at 

The first six months is the foundation and your springboard to your business success.  Focus on getting the business to the point of being self sustaining and profitable in a reasonable realistic time frame.

Develop a positive attitude; be fair, as you establish the ground rules communicating your expectations to your employees.

Create your list of things necessary to do and see what is not necessary but urgent to do. Prioritize goals; break them down into smaller tasks in order not to be overwhelmed. Be prepared then it will be easier to get something done in a timely way.

Having laser focus is key! Undivided attention with a time commitment.  Balance between business and life is a must although challenging and it takes practice. When the business is established, think and visualize how to enjoy the luxury of the freedom that you are creating for your family and yourself.

Find ways to reduce your workload.  Designate vital tasks for you to do and other basic business needs can be done by hiring a virtual assistant who can take on some of your responsibility.

Pace yourself.  Your health is important and your body will send you a message.  Listen to it.  Delegate, get help and train people to do what you desire them to accomplish.

Don’t hope for time off; build it into your schedule. Take small breaks as they are energizing and rejuvenating.  After completing what you set out to do, your sense of accomplishment will take over your mind and body as your momentum build

Schedule downtime, Take long lunches when you can, an afternoon off, and high quality family time are very refreshing, uplifting and stimulating to feel good for you to move forward to the next project that is necessary to complete.

Develop a just do it habit. Learn to plan but then take action. Don’t procrastinate!

Patience persistence and consistence is the triple threat, the ingredients for success.

Once you get into the flow you will know you made the right choice for your business venture. Perseverance requires a never give up attitude. Coming out of your comfort zone is necessary to  growing a successful business. You must decide what is important and what is not and it all starts with a good plan. Decide from day one that your chief goal is to solve real problems & that you will provide value. Then you will have the foundation that will allow the other 9 steps to carry you toward success within your business.  It can be difficult but never give up and remain focused on living a good happy life.  You can have both a successful business and happiness while doing what you love to do.  The key is remembering to work smarter not harder. ~Bonnie

Bonnie Gortler is a successful stock market guru who is passionate about teaching others about social media, weight loss and wealth. Bonnie is also a huge sports fan who successfully lost over 60 pounds by applying the many lessons learned through her commitment toward personal growth. Choose your very own FREE down-loadable gift from Bonnie by visiting You may also connect with Bonnie via Twitter & Facebook plus subscribe to

Thank you, Bonnie for great ideas.



Sheri Kaye Hoff, M.A. CGCL

Your Inspired Action Success Coach.

Best Selling, Transformational Author.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” Henry David Thoreau